Tuesday 3 July 2012

Introducing in the left nest box...Peep.!

Introducing in the left nest box....Peep.!
Ok I know it's not the best name in the world but it's mine for now.  Hi by the way, or BTW as you texting types would say, see I learn quick innit. That's cos I'm a proper little London chick and here's my story...
So let's begin at the very beginning, cos the Snamuhs, that's what we call the big people that look after us, have been keeping you all up to date with their story on here, so this is our chance to have a say.  So this is me 2 days ago, well for the last 21 days actually and to be quite honest with you it was just a little bit cramped in there for the last 48 hours or so.  It was lovely and warm cos my broody mum has been keeping us snug and making sure we were kept moving as a good hen should.  But as I say in the end it was just too squished and I broke my way out on Sunday evening.  The Snamuhs were very attentive and heard my "peep, peep, peep" calls very soon after which was a bit embarrassing as my tail feathers were still a bit wet when they first saw me.  But that is all in the past as I have fluffed up a treat in the lovely dry warm surroundings of our nest box.  Oh listen to me rattling on without telling you about the rest of my family.

There'd my dad of course, Dr Horacio, he's a noisy sod in the mornings and very proud of me, even though he is doing the stereotypical Japanese father routine which is based on treating me harsh so I grow up with strong morals and emotional stability.  Then there is my other mum, yes Ok keep your hair on we are not a conventional hetro family and two mums and a dad means I will get lots more birthday presents, anyway her name is Lady Akoya.  In fact here's a picture of them when they were younger, before I came along...

So yesterday was my first day birthday and I spent most of it under my mum's wing and those lovely fluffy breast feathers which keep me warm and dry.  My dad and Lady kept popping in to see how I was and the Snamuhs put a little bowl of water and chick crumb in the box for mum and me in case we get peckish...Ha get me my first joke and not even a week old yet...I am set to be funny for sure.  Anyway back to the bowls, I am not sure yet what to do with them but mum says she will show me tomorrow, thing is she is still a bit busy keeping my 2 siblings warm in their shells.  They are sure to get squished up soon and push their way out just like I did.

Look closely you will see me under Mum's wing

Here's me with the lazy 2...come on you guys.

Anyways-up that was all yesterdays news.  This morning I am 2 days old.  yes I know another birthday already. And I have got a bit noisier with my peep peep calls and feel a bit braver today so I stepped out for a little look around.

If you look closely you can see the lighter bit on the very tip of my beak, thats my egg tooth.  They say chickens don't have teeth, well this will be the only one I ever have, and I have used it once and for all...to get out of my shell.
 One of the Snamuhs, is a bit slow I think, she said I look like a penguin...do you see webbed feet?..I don't think so.! I have lovely feet and I think I am going to be a true Japanese Bantam with short legs...its one of our best features you know.

Well this typing is really tiring stuff for a little peep like me.  Here's one last pic for today and it's me with my gorgeous mum Midnight.  You see my whole family have very classy names, so I am sure Peep will not be my permanent name, just one to get me started. Time for me to have a snuggle under the feathers again for now...See you all soon .


  1. Thankyou Zarla I am having a wonderful adventure , I will be sure to let you know when exciting things happen
