Friday 6 July 2012

Day 6 in the world of Peep...

Just a brief update here and no pics as its been so wet and cold I have spent most of today snuggled under Mum keeping warm.  We spent last night out in the covered coop in a nest that mum dug in the wood-chip.  It was a bit like camping from what I am told and was quite exciting and fresh really as it wasn't too cold and we didn't get any overnight rain.  This morning the Snamuhs scraped every inch of the nest box and sprayed it with some pink stuff that will kill the mites so Mum says.  I heard them say that someone on Twitter had given them a great tip about putting vaseline on the ends of the perches so the mites cant crawl along at night and bite my Mums and Dad.  I can't even get on the perches yet so I just had to keep on the move to dodge them, but that was why my clever mum moved me down to the coop floor last night too avoid being bitten.

Anyway the Snamuhs have sprayed and killed them all for now, but Dad says they soon come back so we need to keep our eyes out for them.  Other than that it's been a quiet day, loads of rain and when Dad and Mum Lady went out for a stroll they got soaked so I am pleased I stayed in.

I hope it is sunnier tomorrow and I can get back to playing at jumping on mum's back.

Laters...Peep x

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