Friday 11 May 2012

Where to from here...?

So that is pretty much the potted history of streetgrowers to this point in time, well almost..
The markets took off and we enjoyed the feedback and challenges of creating our own varieties of deli type foods to show people how they could use our oils, sauces and other produce. I then arranged to go for a drink with a mate form work to moan about the boss and call all the kids names, well we did moan a lot about the boss but name calling would just be wrong. Anyway I gave her a lift to my house from where we planned to walk to the pub, a good hearty 2 min stroll away.  But on this occasion my gorgeous girlfriend had decided to cook for us all and open the beer cellar for action.  We tucked into some scrummy home made lamb burgers with one of our delicious sauces and my mate Shaz was blown away with a moment of inspiration.  Fed up of moaning about our jobs and knowing we had been thinking of changing our lifestyle, that's what they call it when you get the hell out of the classroom. She suggested a taste night for all our mates to be able to give critical opinion of our foods and especially our new creative take on vegetarian and home made deli foods, most of which it has to be said have an alcohol content in them somewhere so I could see her theory behind the suggestion.
A date was agreed and invites sent out, to which all were excited to come and try, drink and being mostly a bunch of teachers opinion was going to be free flowing for sure.  The pressure was on. We had to produce a range of tastes which would suit a group of vegetarians, pescitarians and carnivores and at this stage we had not got much more than the oils jams jellies and chutney range to work with.  But not to be put off we went for it, got great feedback which we immediately put into action adapting our recipes and testing our products further.
Since then there have been 3 taste nights whilst the wheels of commercial business purchase grind slowly away and now the range has developed into artisan breads, patês, scotch eggs, terrines, mini pies, filo parcels and many many more.  We constantly listen hard to the people that eat our foods and are proudly producing a range with great taste quality where the ingredients are either home grown or locally produced where they can be.  This ethos is a passion of ours and continues into our future plans...

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